
Like any artist, the goal of my photography is to share beauty and to inspire. There is magic in capturing a millisecond of time. There is also a lot of work in doing it right. My creative drive is born from more than taking a pretty picture. Many would say of much of my work is nice and a little different. Maybe even a little rebellious. Not consequently, that describes me pretty well.

I remember my first photography client. I was so excited as so honored that someone would pay me to trust them with their portraits. Eight years, and many clients later, I am still just as excited and honored with each person willing to pay me for my work.

My hope is that you would consider me for your photography needs. My hope is that you look over my website and get excited at the opportunity to have me be your artist. My hope is that you contact me a schedule a meeting tot discuss how I can help you. My real motive in all of this is to have my work inspire you.


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